The Tree


How It All Started

The Apple doesn't Fall far from the Tree..

Although my Mom is an excellent baker and handled all of the meals and desserts, she introduced us to baking practices at an early age.  As soon as we could read and understand math, she'd allow us to measure out ingredients while she baked on Sundays or during the Holidays.  I'd watch in amazement as she'd just pinch, scoop, pour, kneed dough, taste...and everything would be PERFECT!  That woman made everything from scratch!  She learned from watching her Grandmother and blessed us every week with a special treat whenever she had a "Sweet Tooth".  Anything from warm fluffy homemade biscuits, lemon teacakes, drop cakes, cookies, Peach Cobbler, Banana Pudding & of course, Pound-cakes!  My siblings and I always felt Loved and Happy when those delightful dishes would grace our plates.  I started off by baking boxed cakes.  As the Flavor-ologist that I am, I began to add a little something extra to the ingredients.  Whether it was a tad bit more of butter or one more drop of flavoring, those boxed cakes were always a HIT! Fast forward to my adult years.  Now as a Mother myself, I, too wanted my kids to light up and enjoy great meals and wonderful desserts as I did growing up.  In the summer of 2011, I began training to work at a Call Center of a Well-known, Major Telecommunications Company.  This is where the inspiration and talent presented itself.  Once our training class graduated to "The Floor"..we decided to celebrate with a Team Potluck.  Sort of like a "Last Supper" together since many of us would not see one another as we had been disbursed to different floors/teams.  There was an older woman, who once worked for the Company, retired, and came back to work in the Call Center.  This Lady baked a Lemon-Cream Cheese Pound-cake.  Now I have salivated over my Mother's Lemon Pound cake for years.  However, what this woman prepared for us was HEAVEN in a cake box!  We all relished and pleaded for more of that CAKE!  Thankfully, the lady obliged our greedy requests.  Sadly, that Lady did not remain with the company for long.  I just HAD to replicate that mouthwatering, flavorsome, gratifying, satisfying, savoury indulgence! After much trial & error, wasted ingredients, self-encouragement & positive feedback, I'm convinced that I have mastered THE MOST FLAVORFUL POUND CAKES Tasted.  The LEMON ROYALE SUPREME is my signature  cake.  This is the cake that started the business! I finally found my niche! Once I got those measurements/ingredients down-packed, perfected my recipe, I debuted said MASTERPIECE to family, friends & coworkers.  At work functions, people coined it the "SHAUNTIA CAKE" and would ask me to bring it to every event.  Subsequently, I was offered payments to help purchase the ingredients.  Soon after, requests were coming in for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, funerals.. every occasion!